Travel To Texas
I would love to say that the travel to Texas was smooth as can be, but I would be lying. I can say that the travel to the airport went smoothly. The long term parking worked great. In fact, better then expected. Check-in to the flight was fine. We managed to get the bulkhead seats to Philadelphia, always nice. The plane looked as though it was going to leave on time, they even asked for all people traveling in first class or people traveling with children to line up. Which we of course all did (giving up our seats). Then we continued to stand in line for the next 2 hours and 30 minutes. It was miserable! Can you imagine standing in line with two kids under the age of two for that long- through lunch time and through nap time? They finally brought out a snack at the very same time that they started to board. So we did not even get one. Once on, the flight went well, meaning no real problems. N wanted to roam around and Z wanted to be walked around, so neither of us got to sit pretty much at all during the flight.
Since we left 2 hours and 30 minutes late, of course we arrived late. The ironic part is that we paid extra to have a shorter layover in Philadelphia- 1 hour and 45 minutes. Add to the problems that I got called in for an extra security check (I think that the first security guy was having a bad day), and that we were switching airlines, the chances that we were going to make our flight was slim to none. The American Airlines flight was several hours late, so the wonderful girl ran us through security and we were the very last people to sit on the plane. We literally had to run to get onto the plane before the doors closed. The girls slept the entire way there. When we finally arrived at DFW (3 hours late), we had to circle over and over because of bad weather. Finally we were given a window to land and a bumpy landing it was.
Out to the baggage carousel we go, knowing that our bags would be there waiting and my parents there with a big smile on their faces. Neither of them happened. We know our bags were not going to make it on the flight, though the guys at American did not want to help until they were sure. The parents read the arrival board and it said that we were going to be landing in 15 minutes.
In the end, after only 24 hours of traveling, we arrived at the parent’s house.
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