Right now, we have way too much snow in Boston. When we walk down the street, I feel as though I am on Hoth. What makes it worse, everything gets canceled. This week Swedish School and swim classes were canceled. Which means that I had to find extra stuff for us to do.
We did manage to get out some this week, everyday actually for a couple of hours each day. In N's music class today, one of the other parents said that this was the first time that her son was out of the house all week. I think that I would go CRAZY if I had to stay in the house with the kids all week without going out.
We also have done a ton of baking. I am going to weigh a ton if we continue with this. We baked chocolate chip cookies, Rice Crispy treats and brownies this week. That is enough to last us a life time. We were a little creative with the Rice Crispy treats. We did hearts to get ready for Valentines day and Mickey Mouse heads because because I am in a Disney mood.
We also started the Daddy work day. Big project for this week was fixing the table. When I took the top off, the entire table just fell apart. Took about 3 hours to complete it. Would have been a lot shorter, but help was there.
After all week of saying no, I finally gave in with the hair color for the girls. They picked red, blue and silver. After they were done, N said "look Daddy, you have silver in your hair as well!" Aren't kids great?
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