M had her summer party at work a couple of days ago and the girls and I were allowed to come (a big improvement from the work parties in Sweden). In spite of the weather (pouring down rain and very cold), we had a lot of fun. They take a lot of consideration on how to make it fun for families.
We were one of the first people there (punctuality is important!), so we got to do the balloon guy first. This was a learning experience that we will have to remember for next year. He asked Z if she liked princesses and she said "NO! I like Pirates!" So he made her a pirate hate and a parrot for her shoulder. Both M and I commented on how good we thought it was. Then he made M an Ariel (from the little mermaid). Which was also very impressive. Had we known that this guy was a true artist I think that we would have been requesting more advance stuff. The dragon mask and wings were the best, but Darth Vader. Next year will be a Yoda mask for me.

They also had a bouncy castle there that was good for the first little part, but then got too wet to actually play on. One of the other things for people to do was a caricature artist. I have though on a couple of different occasions that it would be fun to do one for the girls, but we just never have. N went first. The artist asked what she liked and she said swimming and dolphins. She had to pick one, so she picked dolphins (I actually thought to myself, "why does she need to pick just one, they kind of go together"). When the artist handed it over to us, N was golfing not dolphin. Oh well.
Z has a little better. She said that she liked pirates, so she was made into a pirate. They do not really look like the girls, but I want to keep them

anyway. I have a theory that when the girls turn 25, it will look more like them then, then they do now. Maybe I should just scan them.
They also had a face painter...the WORSE face painter in the world. She was bad and I mean really bad.
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