Let me start off by saying that the weather has finally broke. It is not hot in the house anymore (thank God!) and we received some (a ton, which we got stuck outside in) ran. I have not looked to see how long it will last but anything will be an improvement.
Now on to yesterday. Let me think, what did we do...we played around the house, went to Target for a box fan, watered the plants and I think that is it. Oh wait, we also played with turtles, lizards, six foot snakes and alligators.
The guys at Rainforest Reptile Shows put on a program at one of the local libraries (not our library, but one of the Cambridge ones). So far I have been really impressed with these programs and yesterday was better then the others (live animals are always impressive). The animals that they brought were all rescue animals from the New England area, including the 3ft alligator. The girls volunteered to help. They had a simple job, they had to determine if snakes are slimy. To do this, they rubbed a 6ft python on their faces. N did it right away, but Z only touched it with her little fingure. The show ended with all the kids getting to hold the 3ft alligator that was rescued last fall.
The guy did really well. He knew his information and interacted with the kids in the audience. The only thing that I did not like was that he also played on the fears for the kids. It was funny, but it would also cause kids to ask why he was scared. I think that is part of the reason that Z did not want to touch the snake.
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