Case in point, this weekend was crammed pack with things to do. Saturday was the start of Cambridge Science Week and it was also an open house at MIT to celebrate their 150 anniversary, Native American Pow Wow at Harvard, Art Day at Harvard and I am sure a whole lot more.
We decided to go to the open house at MIT (shocking, I know). It was a bit overwhelming the number of activities that they had planned. We tried to investigate before hand, but honestly, the website was crap in trying to figure out what was going on. So we just went there and found a couple of things. We all had our different favorite ones. I liked the blimp races, though I was the only one. M liked Mr. Magnet (an older guy who did magnet experiments for the younger kids. Both girls got to help out, which they were excited about). Z's was the bouncy castle and slide and N's was using the pedometer to see if she could win an ipad (we didn't, or I should say she didn't).
It was a lot of fun and it was the first time they have had an open house like this at MIT for 40 years or something, so that is cool. I would of liked to take the girls to the Pow Wow though. It took me back to my OA days and it is a very cool part of our history/culture. In fairness though, we did not know it was happening until I happen to be walking by and heard the drums. Oh yell, next time.
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