It's a rich man's world ( abba song for anyone that missed that).
So on Sunday mornings, the girls get their allowance. It is only two dollars, so just enough to get something at the dollar store. Several weeks ago we went to the Cambridge Science Fair and N did an experiment with a Hexbug nano. She was so mad when we would not let her keep it. We talked to her about it and explained that they were not allowed to keep the ones from the experiment and that if she really wanted one, she could save her money to get on. That is exactly what she did. She saved up her money for five weeks and bought one. She was so happy and I was so impressed. Five weeks is a long time, especially when your sister has not been saving her money. In the mean time Z has bought a fish, general toys, Elmo Easter Eggs and stuff.
Honestly, I did not think that N could do it. She likes to go shopping (way too much in my opinion) and I mean really likes to go shopping. When we were leaving though, Z went crazy. She wanted to get something as well. She wanted a Hexbug. She cried the entire way home. It was exhausting for all involved. I felt bad for her and explained that she could save her money and get one. That was not an option. She did not want to save her money, she wanted on NOW. N on the other hand told me yesterday that she wants to save her money some more to get another one.
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