Monday, August 29, 2011

An unexpected change of plans

On Sunday last week my Grandmother passed away.  I flew to Chicago for the funeral.  It has been 9 years since I was there.  I was born outside of Chicago and at one time, all of my family lived there.  Not anymore.  Now I have a couple of uncles and a couple of cousins, that is about it.  I must say, it was a walk down memory lane. 

The funeral itself was actually fun, as much fun as a funeral could actually be.  Lots of reminiscing and laughing.  I do believe that it is the type of funeral that my grandmother would of liked. 

I got home on Saturday morning and I am still recovering.  Not from the funeral, but from all the fried food I ate...and I ate a ton of fried food.  It was excellent though- fried pickles, tenderlions, fried chicken and onion rings. 

We did take some pictures, which I will post when I upload them a little later. 

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