Monday, September 19, 2011

International Speak Like A Pirate Day

That is right, it is International Speak Like A Pirate Day.  I wish that I could write like a pirate, but I can barely write in English, I don't think that I will be trying to write like a pirate.  Z is embracing this holiday whole heartily.  Last night she made M make a pirate shirt for her today.  It has a girl pirate on the front and a boy pirate on the back.  Yes, she is very happy today.  In fact, she woke up in the middle of the night sad from a dream, but she had enough sense to her to ask M if she finished her shirt.  Then she confirmed that she did both the front and the back...a couple of times.

N is not as excited about Pirate Day as Z, but she is excited about bringing her lunch today.  Sounds funny coming from her, since she does not like cold meals.  Well, with the exception of sushi.  My daughter is bringing sushi for lunch today.  I am a little curious what the teachers are going to think.

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