Thursday, October 07, 2010

You can call me Mr. Mom

Well, It is official. I am a stay at home Dad. Yea Yea, I know. I have been home with the kids since the start of August. The difference is that I have been using up my days off since then. As of yesterday, I am officially a stay at home Dad (not even one on Parent Time Off). Not a bit difference to how it was last week.

So what do I do. Well, I am trying to get the girls on somewhat of a plan. Every week we have a theme and try to focus time on it. This includes books (the Cambridge library is beyond excellent), songs, games, crafts and field trips. Thus far we have done dinosaurs, monkeys, crocodiles and the alphabet. The most popular one has been the dinosaurs. At the end of the week, N said that she wanted to be a paleontologist. I was impressed. It was the first time she has ever said that she wanted to do something for a career.

Next week's theme is pirates. If anyone has any good recommendations (books, crafts, games, music, websites, activities or whatever), just send them to me.

Oh, by the way, M is using this blog as well. So if it is in a strange language, it is her post. I'll stick to English.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you can get Jack Sparrow to come to your theme week: -I will be there as well!!